* Biocon : - A Gender Diversity Intervention in 3 phases done over a period of 3 years

* Reliance : - Celebrating true-life stories of women

* Allstate :- Challenging the status quo for Senior Leaders

* Akamai :- Leading Change for senior leaders

* UTASC :-  Leading outside Authority for Senior Mangers

* CLP:- Leading during Times of Change for Senior Leaders
(Across 3 cities)

* Dr. Reddy’s :- Performance Management
(Across 6 Plants)

* Deutsche Bank:- Diversity and Inclusion
(Across 4 Cities)

* Tekion - Unconscious Bias ( Covering over 10 batches of managers - over 500 managers across two cities)

* ITC - Gender Sensitivity & Allyship ( Covering over 2000 managers across 10 different plants in India done in three phases, with a batch size of around 25 mangers per session ) 

* Epsilon - Psychological Safety for Managers and Leaders (covering over 100 managers)
                 Unconscious Bias for all employees
(covering over 100 employees / session​)

* TATA MOTORS - Leading in times of change (covering over 100 senior leaders)

Program Name: Diversity and Inclusion

Some of the workshops we have done using theatre includes

Performance based Intervention - Short Term Workshops

Modality            Approach                                         Duration

Social Theatre * Conflict Management (Case Study)                Duration - 2 hr  
Social Theatre * Change Management( Case Study)               Duration - 2 hr  
Social Theatre * Enhancing Interpersonal Skills (Case Study)  Duration : 2 hr  
Social Theatre * Emotional Intelligence ( Case study)               Duration - 2 hr  
Social Theatre * Art of Saying No (Case studies)                      Duration -  2 hr 

​Social Theatre * Leading outside authority (Case Study)          Duration - 2 hr 
Social Theatre * Giving & receiving feedback (Case Study)      Duration - 2 hr 
Social Theatre * Crucial conversations (Case Study)                Duration - 2hr  
Social Theatre * Developing Empathy & humane skills             Duration - 2hr  
Social Theatre * Customer Centricity (Case Study)                  Duration - 2 hr   
Social Theatre * Building PMS Rewards and Recognition         Duration - 2hr   

Social Theatre * Leading during times of change                       Duration - 2hr   
Social Theatre * Managing and Leading During Change            Duration - 2hr  
Social Theatre * Gender Diversity Intervention                           Duration -  2 hr
Social Theatre * Celebrating stories of women                           Duration - 2 hr 
Social Theatre * Leading Change for Senior Leaders                 Duration - 2 hr 
Social Theatre * Leading Change for Senior Leaders                 Duration - 2 hr 
Social Theatre * Psychological Safety                                         Duration - 2 hr

​Social Theatre * DEI                             Duration - 2 hr
Social Theatre * POSH                         Duration - 2 hr
Social Theatre * Values and Ethics       Duration - 2 hr
Social Theatre * Equity.                        Duration - 2 hr

People involved in this Journey

        One dedicated Master facilitator per batch 

        Certified ICF Coaches
        Certified Behavioural Therapist
        Certified Psychodrama Directors

      Theatre Actors 
      Theatre Directors
      Theatre Scriptwiters
For every company due to their business needs, the issues under each topic and duration of the programs change.

About the Program: This 2-hour Intervention was done in a format called social theatre for all the employees in DB across 4 cities. Three specific stories around Diversity and Inclusion (LGBTQ+ In specific) we played in front of the employees seeking dialogue and a community based resolution if one encounters such a problem at work


Duration: Two Hour

​* Open dialogues and Community resolution.
* Not being a bystander but taking charge of situations .
* Ability to become Empathetic and a good listener 
* Fostering a culture of inclusion


Theatre activities and tools are from psychodrama, Sociodrama and, Boal Methodology.

Few Performance based Interventions conducting successfully 

A short-term program/workshop/intervention is designed to address various topics and challenges within an organisation. We do a lot of pre-work and need identification along with the HR/L&OD to ensure we are addressing the real issues.

Topics are presented using the power of theatre to audiences which are moderated by our theatre group therapists.
 These stories could be depicted in a realistic way or in a surrealistic way, depending on the intended outcome of the session.

    1-hour / 2-hour / 4-hour

     Social Theatre
     Forum Theatre
     Playback Theatre
     Scripted Theatre
     Simultaneous Dramatrugy
     Rainbow of Desire
​     COP in the Head
TOPICS  (we have successfully completed the following programs in the past)
        Unconscious Bias 
        Integrity Issues
​        Gender Sensitisation and Allyship
        Change Management
        Leading Teams in Times of change

You can share your topic with us and we will design and develop an experience absolutely tailor-made for your requirement.